One of the pivotal moments in their marriage was brought to the forefront during an episode of Jada’s Red Table Talk. The couple openly discussed Jaden Smith’s battle with malnourishment in May 2018. Jaden, who had adopted a vegetarian diet, faced health issues leading to concerns about his well-being. Dr. Mark Hyman, invited to intervene, diagnosed Jaden with gluten and dairy sensitivity due to his diet choices. The revelations sparked discussions about Jaden’s health and dietary decisions, with the Smith family addressing the issues on a public platform.
Jaden’s struggles extended beyond physical health, as he later opened up about his mental health challenges. His unconventional approach to dealing with these issues included the use of mushrooms, emphasizing their role in self-discovery and breaking down internal barriers. While controversial, Jaden credited mushrooms as the inspiration behind his clothing line, “Trippy Summer,” designed for misfits forging their unique journeys.
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Controversy has been a constant companion in the Smith family’s public narrative. Jaden, known for his outspoken nature, expressed his desire to live independently at a young age, challenging societal norms and educational systems. His tweets against formal education stirred debates, with critics questioning the influence of such statements on his large following.
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